Media Relations

With strong writing abilities and a wealth of media relations contacts, we can put your name, mission, agenda and success stories in front of the media and the public. As former newspaper publishers and now in public relations, we can draft and execute a communications strategy that fits with your needs and desires.

Using the message that we develop in our initial session, we write and distribute press releases on the topics that affect your business:

  • News, including awards, new officers, convention, new products.
  • Expert interviews on subjects relating to your area of expertise as they relate to current issues.
  • Theme stories bringing together related projects and initiatives from your firm, linking them to national events.
  • Success stories or case studies concerning your clients or customers.
  • Rapid reaction to issues and themes in current events.
  • Write and distribute op-ed columns and letters to the editor.
  • Press releases will be distributed statewide, regionally or locally as required.
  • Promote and schedule editorial board meetings with local, state or regional media, including print, TV and radio.
  • Promote and schedule your spokespersons to appear on public affairs programs on television and radio.

When you need help in these areas give us a call at 770-426-9347 or email at